第9回 躍動する作家展に初参加!5/17が最終日です!

5/12から5/17まで、福岡市有数の美術館、アジア美術館にて 第9回躍動する現代作家展が開催されており、私も参加させていただいています。



"Adolescence 2.0 (思春期 2.0)" F30


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From 5/12 to 5/17, the 9th Dynamic Contemporary Artists Exhibition is being held at the Asian Art Museum, one of Fukuoka City's leading art museums.

I am participating in this exhibition.

I have known of the exhibition itself as friends and acquaintances had participated in it before, and I had also visited the exhibition and had the impression that it was an exhibition of very large and elaborate works.

Until now, I have received higher prizes at exhibitions in Japan and abroad, and Though unfortunately couldn't join the exhibition, I had received invitations to participate with high evaluations.

That's why Perhaps it was the fullness of time that led to my participation in the exhibition.

Participating from setting time, I was so excited to see so many different styles and genres of work!

I have been sharing my activities on SNS, and I am very encouraged to see many of my friends and acquaintances, and even family members, who have always been very supportive of my work, come to see my exhibition.

Some people only saw the works of artists they knew and left, but my friends and acquaintances seemed to enjoy themselves as much as they could in the time they had to visit all the works, which made me happy in many ways.

Although I did not win any prizes, I am honored to have participated in this wonderful exhibition.


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